Mane stebi/skaito

Saturday 20 February 2010


I am not the person who's always ready for experimenting. I prefer The Known for the risk of Failing. This might be a huge flaw in terms of life choices, but that's not the case I want to refer to.

I am not prone to experiment on:


daily hygienic routine.

However, this evening proved that the result of cooking equates with a successful outfit- the one that's not over-thought, and for me it works the best when it's a result of spontaneity. Spontaneity aligned with the influence of good mood (re: good mood- feeling inspired, this can occur quickly for me),

My dinner is uber-simple, pasta with mushrooms and tomatoes, but tonight it's in a perfect condition- pasta not too tough, mushrooms not overstewed. Whereas the chicken that I anticipated for the whole week turned out rubbery, vegetables- burnt, sauce- total failure.

My mental image of a perfect dinner did not correspond to the outcome due to my inexperience with stir frying and general tiredness that evening, I guess.

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