Mane stebi/skaito

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Today I drank coffee

Is it weird and unacceptable (in terms of the nature of the objects that I will introduce, that is- NOT meant to be used repetitively) to bring paper cups home?...

Maybe, but oh, look, it is so beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Naw I'd say it's kinda cute bringing nice paper cups home :>

WowWowClouds said...

kas keisčiausia, kad besiknisdama virtuvėj radau užkištą TOKĮ PATĮ popierinį puodelį. kažkas, prieš mane čia gyvenęs, panašiai mąstė:D

R.ta said...

Koks gražus puodelis!

WowWowClouds said...
